Interline - FAQ


Do you have questions about Interline, how to install it or how to move it? - You can find the answers here.

Where can I download Interline?

Interline is not freely available, and you cannot find it on Google. Contact GLS It Support, and we will help you install it. Interline can only be installed on Windows, not on MAC.

If you need to have Interline installed on a new PC, please contact GLS IT Support. We will help you set it up on a new machine. We can help you faster, if you know the path to your database, or if you have already moved your database to the new PC.

You can easily move the database to another drive and point Interline to the new destination.

If you want to move Interline, you must transfer the installation files to the new destination. You are welcome to contact GLS IT Support for help with both instances.

You can see the parcels that you have generated in Interline, under ”Stamdata” and ”Forsendelser”. Search for the parcel and mark the parcel in the overview – click on T&T to trace the parcel. If you want a receipt, you have to use YourGLS.

Address book

As in YourGLS, it's possible to save your customers in an adress book in Interline - read more about it here.

Your customer will be saved by giving your customer a recipient number and marking it in ”Gem modtagerdata". The recipient number can be letters, numbers or a combination of both.

You can edit your customers in Interline under “Stamdata" and "Modtagere". Find your customer and click on "Ret. You can now change the information You can also delete the customer, if you no longer want to save the customer.

You can delete your customers in InterLine under "Stamdata” and "Modtagere. Find your customers and mark those who are relevant, and click on “Delete”. Interline will ask if you want to delete 1 customer – click on ”Ja”. The customer is now deleted. If you want to delete multiple customers, please hold ctrl while marking.

You can import a customer index into Interline under ”Stamdata" and "Indlæs modtagerdata". Be aware that your file must have a specific format and setup. You can find the documentation for it here .

Create labels

Read how to create normal labels and return labels manually in Interline, and read about your options in Interline.

Fill out the fields; name, address, zip code, city and weight. We would highly appreciate it, if you would also fill in email and phone number (Especially for private recipients). You can now pick the correct service:

Parcel for business:

  • Pakketype - Almindelig
  • Forsendelsestype - Almindelig

Parcel for delivery to a GLS ParcelShop::

  • Pakketype - Almindelig
  • Forsendelsestype - ShopDelivery>Service
  • Fill in the recipient’s name in the attention-field.

Parcel for private recipients:

  • Pakketype - PrivateDelivery
  • Forsendelsestype - Almindelig

Return label to a private recipient:

  • Pakketype - Almindelig
  • If you want a physical label printed out, choose ”ShopReturnServiceLabel”
  • if you want to send a mail to your customer, choose ”ShopReturnServiceMail”

Express delivery:

  • Pakketype - Almindelig
  • Forsendelsestype - ”10:00 Service” eller ”12:00 Service” for delivery next weekday before 10:00 or 12:00 respectively.

Do you wish to add on an extra service?:

  • If you want your customer to receive an email notifying that the parcel is received at GLS, please choose “Email notification”.
  • If you want your parcel delivered without a receipt, please choose "DepositService".

Click on "Gem" to print a label.

Fill in the fields as usual. When changing the country code, the interface might change a bit. The available services for each country is shown. You will be able to choose between EuroBusiness, PrivateDelivery and ShopDeliveryService for countries that can receive both business parcels, private delivery and delivery to ParcelShops.

It will automatically show “EuroBusinessParcel” in countries where you cannot choose delivery to ParcelShop nor PrivateDelivery, which you must use for both private- and business delivery.

Your customer can be notified when GLS has scanned your parcel in the system.

You can choose to activate email-notifications on a single shipment by putting a tick in “Mail advisering” under “Services”.

If you want email-notifications on all your parcels, you can choose the tab ”Standard pakkeværdier” under ”Stamdata”, and “Konfiguration af system”. Mark “Mail notifikation” under “Extra services”. Press "Gem" and restart the program. Email-notifications will now be activated on all parcels.

To make a label with ParcelShop delivery, you have to click on ”ShopDeliveryService” under shipment type.

The input fields will be greyed out. Click on ”Find PakkeShop" and find the ParcelShop you need. If your customer have not chosen a ParcelShop, you can choose ”DirectShop” in "Forsendelsestype”, and the system will choose the nearest ParcelShop. Type in your customers information, type in the weight of the parcel and click on "Gem".

You need to fill in the input fields as usual, to give permission for a parcel to be delivered without a receipt. Mark the field ”DepositService” and write where the parcel can be placed under "Bemærkning". You cannot use this service for ShopDelivery- and ShopReturn-parcels.

Unfortunately, you can't re-print a label in Interline If automatic print is set up, you need to check if you have the option to reprint in your system.

You can alternatively generate a label manually in Interline. If you manually type in everything in Interline, you need to generate it again.

When you want to send an email with a return label to your customer, you must choose ”ShopReturnServiceMail”, fill in the customers information and click on "Gem". That data must be transferred, before the email is sent to your customer.

If you want to send a physical return label for your customer, choose ”ShopReturnServiceLabel” fill in the customers information and click on "Gem" to print.

If you want to attach a return label to your parcels, fill in the fields as usual. Mark the field "Udskriv ShopReturn” under ”Services” and click on Save. Both a regular label as well as a return label will now be printed.

Mass shipment

Interline gives you the opportunity to create a mass shipment - read more about it here.

You can make mass shipments in InterLine. Download the template here .

You can download a template and a description on how you should fill in the file here .

Pick&Ship-& Pick&ReturnService

It is possible to create an Pick & Ship / Pick & Return in Interline. Read more about it here.

Fill in the fields with name, address, zip code, city, phone, email and weight. Click on ”Pick&Return” in the left corner when finished.

The fields will be empty, When you have pressed on ”Pick&Return”, and you can find your shipment under “Stamdata” and “Forsendelser”. You will not receive a label. GLS brings the label, when we pick up the parcel.

Remember to delete a Pick&Return, if you do not need it anyway. If you made the data transfer, please call GLS IT Support, and we will delete it for you.

Choose "Afsendere" under “Stamdata”. Mark the customer number that you need and click on "Ret". When the box with your information is shown, click on the tab ”Alternative adresser and ”Ny”. Type in the address of the end-recipient (the place where the parcel is being sent to). Close the box, and type in the address where the parcel is being picked up from, under "Modtager" (Where you usually type in the address).

Once this is done, click on the button ”Alt. adresses” to the right of your customer number. Type in weight and date for when you wish for the parcel to be picked up, and click on the button “Pick&Ship” in the left corner. You will not receive any label. GLS brings it to you, when we pick up the parcel.

Remember to click on ”Brug primær adresse.” once finished, to change back to your regular shipment address.

Remember to delete a Pick&Ship, if you do not need it anyway. If you made the data transfer, please call GLS IT Support, and we will delete it for you.

You will not receive a label. Our driver brings it, when we pick up the parcel.

You only have the option to make return pickups in Denmark using Interline. If you need to make one for abroad, you have to use YourGLS.


In Interline you can create and end of day list - Read how to create it here.

Once finished with the parcels for the day, you need to make a data transfer to us. You do this under "Forsendelse" and ”Dataoverførsel”. Interline will ask you, if you want to send the data to GLS. Say yes to this – and your printer will print a list of your parcels.

You need to make a data transfer each day, to ensure that we always have data on your parcels.

You order pick up of your parcels on .

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